Redefining cancer treatment demands a robust and focused pipeline paving the way for successful outcomes.
Our engineered T-cell therapies offer specificity and are administered in a single dose. We are guided by rigorous scientific principles and a strategically focused development pipeline that prioritizes late-stage assets like afamitresgene autoleucel (“afami-cel”) and letetresgene autoleucel (“lete-cel”).
Adaptimmune is developing an industry-leading T cell therapy pipeline in solid tumors and has a deep pipeline of identified and proprietary targets for further product development.
Program [Target] | Trial Name(s) / Indications / Design | Ind-Enabling | Phase 1 | Phase 2/3 | Registration | |
afami-cel [MAGE-A4] | SPEARHEAD-1 pivotal trial synovial sarcoma | U.S. FDA Accelerated Approval | ||||
SPEARHEAD-3 pediatric study in tumors that express MAGE-A4 (synovial sarcoma, malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor (MPNST), neuroblastoma or osteosarcoma) | ||||||
lete-cel [NY-ESO] | IGNYTE-ESO synovial sarcoma and MRCLS | |||||
uza-cel (ADP-A2M4CD8*) [MAGE-A4] |
Collaboration with Galapagos head & neck cancer and potential future solid tumor indications | |||||
ADP-600 [PRAME] | Indications that express PRAME including synovial sarcoma, breast, NSCLC, gastroesophageal, melanoma, endometrial, ovarian and head & neck cancers. Clinical Indications TBD | |||||
ADP-520 [CD70] | Indications that express CD70 including hematological, malignancies, acute myeloid leukemia (AML), lymphoma and renal cell carcinoma (RCC). Clinical Indications TBD | |||||
--The safety and efficacy of investigational products have not been established. * Enrollment in the SURPASS family of trials with uza-cel (ADP-A2M4CD8) manufactured on the Adaptimmune manufacturing platform has been discontinued. |
We have built one of the leading allogeneic T-cell platforms using human-induced pluripotent stem cell lines (hlPSCs). This platform is flexible and produces functional T-cells that kill tumor cells in vitro. We will combine this platform with everything we have learned from decades of autologous T-cell therapy research and development into a pipeline for Adaptimmune and its partners for off-the-shelf cell or allogeneic T-cell therapies.
Allogeneic Preclinical | |||||||
Program [Target] | Trial Name(s) / Indications / Design | Discovery | Ind-Enabling | Phase 1 | Phase 2/3 | Registration | |
Off-the-shelf TCR therapy target 1 | TBA |
Discovery in progress
Ind-Enabling not started
Phase 1 not started
Phase 2/3 not started
Registration not started
Personalized cell therapy platform | TBA |
Discovery in progress
Ind-Enabling not started
Phase 1 not started
Phase 2/3 not started
Registration not started